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Who we are


Homemaker Southwest is an independent charity, established in July 2001 and based in Devon. It emerged from an organisation known as the ‘Exeter Homemaker Project’, originally set up in 1991 to provide tenancy support services for offenders. As the organization has grown, the range of services we provide have been adapted to better meet the needs of the local population as a whole, enabling us to offer our services to all sections of the community

Statement of Purpose 
To enable people, especially those who are vulnerable, to set up, maintain, and sustain their homes, and thus prevent homelessness. 


Aims of Homemaker 
The primary purpose of Homemaker is to prevent homelessness and promote independence. We offer specialist advice and support to individuals and families who may be at risk of losing their home. We also offer support to people who may be moving into new accommodation and living independently for the first time.


In March 2011 Homemaker Southwest merged with Money Advice Plymouth, please visit for further details about the services they offer.

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